Friday, 6 January 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - Round 2 of Buying Complete & Part Sub!

After many hours of searching through Brick Link to try and find the best possible pricing combinations on items, I have completed my second round of parts purchases. I have now purchased approximately 2,100 parts with another 1,000 or so to go. Unfortunately, a lot of the 1,000 remaining are the harder to find pieces :(

I've had to make another substitution on parts, this time for the light bluish gray cylinders that form the engines on the SSD. The original part that is called for is code 30360 but these were not only difficult to find but very expensive (in excess of $15 per piece). After some research, I found that piece 93168 was a good candidate for substitution. The differences between the two are strictly internalized to the connection interfaces. Thus, from the outside, you would see no difference. The 93168 were still, by no means, easy to find. They are still rare and I ended up paying about $12 per piece after shipping but that's an easier pill to swallow than $15 for the piece and ANOTHER $12 for shipping.

I've got 6 purchased so far and am hoping I can find a 7th to complete the set. You can see there are minimal differences between the two pieces below.

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