First up is Obi Wan Kenobe shutting down the tractor beam. He is looking very pleased with himself, brandishing his light sabre around. I am happy to see that they got the color of his light sabre correct - BLUE!
The tractor beam control station is a fairly good representation of the movie, down to the blue cone of light at the top. There is even the elevated platform where the storm troopers walk by in search of the intruders.
From there, we move to a representation of one of the gunnery stations aboard the Death Star. I was very impressed with this gunnery station. Not only is it visually appealing - it looks high tech and absolutely lethal - but it actually launches the green pieces (meant to represent the green laser fire) across a significant distance!
The laser bolts are loaded in a spring-loaded piece and click into place before being fired by the two red release switches at the top of the gun.
The gun is capable of swiveling completely around and is limited only by the walls that separate this scene from those beside it. It can also traverse in a wide range of motion on the vertical axis. The gunnery station controls look authentic, as do the death star gunners.
Last of all is a storage room of some kind. I don't recall a specific scene from the movie that this is supposed to depict - perhaps it is a hangar? There are a number of weapons arranged in racks along the wall as well as an elevator capable of moving large objects from this floor to the upper floor. One of the ship's officers is currently operating the large mechanical claw, which presumably is used to transfer heavy objects to the elevator.
The articulated claw has a wide range of motion in the vertical direction. The claw itself can also swivel. The elevator is controlled by a simple winch that is built into the wall.