We decided we would start off our 2018 Lego adventures with this set, since we are both enamored with food. Plus, this set looked really good :)
I, personally, have often eyeballed the various city creator sets that Lego has released and thought how neat it might be to build a small Lego city for display. Mom was more reticent but has so far agreed that she really likes the look of this set. As we have been building this set, I have been putting on youtube videos on the Ipad of other adult fans of Lego reviewing some of the other modular building sets. She has had a pretty positive response to them so this could be the start of another series of possible future additions to our collection.
This set actually belongs to my sister and her fiance. They bought it a few years ago as they are both big fans of Paris and of French fare. However, they haven't had a chance to build it and were gracious enough to allow us to be the first to build the set. So I guess, you can say, it's on loan to us.
Even from the very start of the build, it's clear that there is a lot of detail in this set and that they have done well capturing the essence of "French-ness" with the design and the colors they have chosen. Up first is the scooter, of course. This is the first set that we have seen with the scooter and are pretty impressed with it. It rolls very smoothly and balances quite well if you position the kickstand so it is just touching the table surface.
The detailing gets better from there. Below is a picture of the foundation for the set. Starting from the bottom left, you can see what will eventually be the street-side terrace for diners. The stones in this area have been carefully laid such that CHEZ is spelled out very discreetly. This is in homage to the name of the establishment, which is "Chez Albert", something which becomes much more obvious later on when the signs are hung.
Surrounding the terrace is an organic fence of greenery, giving diners some privacy from passersby while lending some freshness to the experience. Leading up to the front entrance is an elegant red, brick walkway.
The interior of the restaurant flooring is just as detailed as the outside. The main dining area has hardwood flooring in two shades. A darker wood to frame the dining room while the middle section is made of a lighter shade.
The kitchen tiling done in white and blue checkers is very reminiscent of what a classic french restaurant would have.
Here we see some of the detail that has gone into the kitchen area. To the left is what appears to be the pastry station, as there is a pie (with a whipped topping) and a couple of cupcakes cooling on the countertop. Buttressed into the corner of the kitchen is a large sink. Directly facing us seems to be the drying area for cleaned plates and glasses with a prep counter beside that. There seems to be a cheese container snugged into the right corner of the kitchen. And at the very bottom, you can just see the handle of a broom - gotta keep the kitchen clean! We wouldn't want the health inspectors to have any findings.
Here is the kitchen from a different angle and with the island installed. It looks like someone has been busy cooking and roasting away since we last visited. There is a large turkey cooling on the countertop and pot of something bubbling away on the range.
We move to take a look at the seating in our restaurant. It's a small and cozy restaurant, with only seating for 2 small tables for 2 in the main dining room and a few seats on the terrace outside. There is also a bench just outside the restaurant where a customer can enjoy a quick snack and coffee.