Thursday, 2 February 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - It's Getting Bigger!

We accomplished quite a bit of the SSD last night - not a particularly impressive number of pieces mounted but the physical size sure does look impressive. It's starting to give a taste of just how big the finished model is going to be.

It hasn't been an easy build so far - a lot of pieces are similarly shaped and colored, so very careful perusal of the instructions is required. As this is an older set, the instructions don't have the yellow outlines to show where new pieces go on each step either, which makes things even more difficult. Furthermore, with many of the pieces being the same color, you really need to double and triple check against the instructions and count the nubbies to make sure you are placing things correctly.

We are still working on mom's attention to detail so this has been a tough challenge for her. She may finally have lost some of that addiction to Lego, declaring that she was not a fan of this set and did not wish to build any more of it.

We'll see how long that lasts. :)

Here, you can see how big the model is going to be. I don't think this is the entirety of the base either - I believe it extends even further back (towards the "legs" of the A). The mini Imperial Star Destroyer that we previously built has been placed in the picture to give an idea of the size and scale of the SSD.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - To The Shipyard We Go!

I was completely unsurprised when I arrived home yesterday to find that mom had packed away all the carousel items and had laid out the boxes full of super star destroyer parts. I'm telling you .... MONSTER!!

However, I WAS pleasantly surprised to see that a package from Lego Pick-A-Brick had arrived. That means that barring any unfortunate counting and organizational errors on my part, I should have everything I need to complete the SSD.

On a side note, I think Gucci is also addicted to Lego - before supper, I went to the living room (where we do our building) just to check things out. She came strolling over with a look that clearly said "Is it Lego time?". She really loves snoozing in the chair beside us as we build.

We didn't get a heck of a lot done on the SSD last night - actually we didn't get ANYTHING done on the SSD. We did, however, manage to put together the small Imperial Star Destroyer that is included in the set as a means for size comparison against the SSD. For a small model, it's got fairly decent detail but nothing nearing comparison to what the SSD is going to look like.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Grand Carousel (10196) - Started The Top

We've gone as far as we can for now on the carousel. We've hit the point where we need one of the missing pieces and there is no way around it. We completed the base of the carousel's top - it attaches to the bottom via a series of long technic axles (which simulate the support poles you would see on a real carousel) so that the whole thing rotates as one.

Similar to the base, the top of the carousel has a series of wheels that allows it to rotate smoothly.

As predicted, mom could not bear the thought of having no lego to work on over the next 2 weeks as we wait for the missing pieces to come in. She quickly suggested that we pack the carousel away for the time being and start working on the super star destroyer. :) I never thought that she would be so eager to build something that is all gray and black. HAHA!

I am still missing some pieces for the SSD that I ordered off the Lego site. I haven't taken a look to see which portion of the build requires those. Hopefully it's something far along in the process. Also, hopefully Canada Post gets their act together and gets my pieces delivered!!! It's only been about 3 weeks since I ordered them ....

Monday, 30 January 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - One More Shipment!

All the pieces I ordered via Bricklink have either been picked up or have arrived in the mail. That means the only package that is still outstanding are the pieces that I ordered from Lego's online Pick-A-Brick service.

I am anticipating it's imminent arrival. Parcel tracking shows that it arrived in the US a week ago. With any luck, it will be waiting for me when I get home today.

We are approaching the point with the Grand Carousel where we will be needing one of the critical missing pieces (the first was ornamental and can be added at any time). As I don't anticipate receiving the missing pieces for another 2 weeks, that means we'll either need to take a break from Lego or put the carousel on hold and get started on the star destroyer instead.

While either plan works for me, I think our resident super Lego enthusiast (mom) won't be able to contain her addiction for 2 weeks. So, despite her relative dislike for the SSD (it's only got grey and black???? That's so boring!!!), I think she is going to cave and start building it.

Grand Carousel (10196) - Central Column is Done!

Mom was really pushing on getting as much built this weekend as possible. We probably didn't do as much as she wanted, seeing as how Saturday was Chinese New Year and so we spent the evening out doing a family dinner.

But she made up for in on Friday night and Saturday afternoon, as I heard several calls of "Let's Lego! There's work to do!!". I really have created a monster here ....

The carousel is definitely starting to take shape now. There were stickers that came with the set but we chose not to apply them as that would make disassembly and future re-assembly a little more difficult. The set isn't hurting for color anyway, so leaving the stickers off doesn't (in our mind) detract from the overall look.

The central column is very sturdy - pushing on it from atop doesn't reveal any looseness or give. It's extremely solid.

Gucci can't wait for it to be finished so that she can play with it too. Looks like she is already putting dibs in the first run.

Grand Carousel (10196) - Pork Crown Roast

No no, there isn't a mini-figure munching on a jumbo sized pork roast in this set ... but the latest progress picture does look like a crown pork roast with all the bones frenched. I admit that I am just a little food obsessed but you have to admit, there is a definite resemblance!!

Grand carousel pork roast

An actual crown pork roast

Either way, the build is definitely coming along nicely. We are closing in on the halfway point, where we finish the first instruction manual and start on the second one.