Thursday, 2 February 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - It's Getting Bigger!

We accomplished quite a bit of the SSD last night - not a particularly impressive number of pieces mounted but the physical size sure does look impressive. It's starting to give a taste of just how big the finished model is going to be.

It hasn't been an easy build so far - a lot of pieces are similarly shaped and colored, so very careful perusal of the instructions is required. As this is an older set, the instructions don't have the yellow outlines to show where new pieces go on each step either, which makes things even more difficult. Furthermore, with many of the pieces being the same color, you really need to double and triple check against the instructions and count the nubbies to make sure you are placing things correctly.

We are still working on mom's attention to detail so this has been a tough challenge for her. She may finally have lost some of that addiction to Lego, declaring that she was not a fan of this set and did not wish to build any more of it.

We'll see how long that lasts. :)

Here, you can see how big the model is going to be. I don't think this is the entirety of the base either - I believe it extends even further back (towards the "legs" of the A). The mini Imperial Star Destroyer that we previously built has been placed in the picture to give an idea of the size and scale of the SSD.

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