Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Grand Carousel (10196) - Started The Top

We've gone as far as we can for now on the carousel. We've hit the point where we need one of the missing pieces and there is no way around it. We completed the base of the carousel's top - it attaches to the bottom via a series of long technic axles (which simulate the support poles you would see on a real carousel) so that the whole thing rotates as one.

Similar to the base, the top of the carousel has a series of wheels that allows it to rotate smoothly.

As predicted, mom could not bear the thought of having no lego to work on over the next 2 weeks as we wait for the missing pieces to come in. She quickly suggested that we pack the carousel away for the time being and start working on the super star destroyer. :) I never thought that she would be so eager to build something that is all gray and black. HAHA!

I am still missing some pieces for the SSD that I ordered off the Lego site. I haven't taken a look to see which portion of the build requires those. Hopefully it's something far along in the process. Also, hopefully Canada Post gets their act together and gets my pieces delivered!!! It's only been about 3 weeks since I ordered them ....

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