Monday 30 January 2017

Grand Carousel (10196) - Central Column is Done!

Mom was really pushing on getting as much built this weekend as possible. We probably didn't do as much as she wanted, seeing as how Saturday was Chinese New Year and so we spent the evening out doing a family dinner.

But she made up for in on Friday night and Saturday afternoon, as I heard several calls of "Let's Lego! There's work to do!!". I really have created a monster here ....

The carousel is definitely starting to take shape now. There were stickers that came with the set but we chose not to apply them as that would make disassembly and future re-assembly a little more difficult. The set isn't hurting for color anyway, so leaving the stickers off doesn't (in our mind) detract from the overall look.

The central column is very sturdy - pushing on it from atop doesn't reveal any looseness or give. It's extremely solid.

Gucci can't wait for it to be finished so that she can play with it too. Looks like she is already putting dibs in the first run.

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