Tuesday 12 February 2019

Old Fishing Store (21310) - What Is Aragog Doing Here?

We have been working hard on the fishing store and are so far pleased with what we have seen. The foundation is in place and even here, you can start to see some of the detailing. Note the jagged grey pieces at the base of the lattice-patterned deck that are meant to represent the uneven rocks upon which such structures are often perched.

You can also see part of the foundation of the main building itself to the left - again, there are jagged rocks but you can also see crumbling brickwork and masonry that has clearly been patched over time, as evidenced by the different colors of the bricks as well as the differing textures.

And living underneath the building is an Aragog-sized spider! If it's not Aragog himself, it's definitely one of his children, perhaps enjoying a sea-side vacation. I would not be a happy camper to go digging in the crawl space under my house only to come face to face with a spider that was almost as big as me!

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