Thursday, 14 February 2019

Old Fishing Store (21310) - Loot Chests!

The next chapter of the build starts off with the assembly of a variety of chests and storage containers that will be placed around the set further in the build.

In the top left corner is a crate of TNT - I can only hope that this is for lazy fishermen who prefer to blast fish. This, of course, is the often illegal practice of tossing explosives into the water and relying on the concussive underwater force to stun schools of fish for easy collection. While this seems unethical and heinous, it is far preferable to other possible uses of TNT that could lead to injury or harm of humans.

Below the TNT crate are 3 crates of seafood. Judging by the fairly meager amounts in each crate, I think we can safely presume that these were caught using more legitimate means.

The top right chest is a toolbox - a number of tools went into this chest, including a screwdriver, adjustable wrench, socket drive and a couple other common tools.

The 2 chests below the toolbox contain some equipment that might be used around fishing boats. It looks like there are a couple bundles of TNT (don't know why these are lying around instead of crated up), some pulleys for hoisting nets, a set of swim fins, prybars, and grappling hooks.

We'll take a little closer look at some of the chests so you can appreciate the detail of the pieces. The lobsters look true to form shape-wise although the coloring makes them look like they are already cooked. We really appreciated the inclusion of ice in each of the seafood chests - definitely another small touch in the overall detailing of the set. Not only is there ice in each chest but there are even 2 distinct shapes of ice. It's hard to see in these pictures but there are triangle chunks as well as flat tile-shaped chunks.

The crate of fish is similarly iced with 2 different shapes of ice pieces.

And finally, a close-up of the toolbox. You can see the various tools lying inside. The boxes sitting on top are cases of fish hooks - you can't see the printing from this angle but we'll see more of the same inside the fish store.

These chests will be placed strategically through the set as we progress through the build.

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