Tuesday 12 February 2019

Old Fishing Store (21310) - Floors - New & Old

With the foundation set, we move into some of the internal detailing of the building. The store walls have started to come up - again you can see that they have been subject to a lot of patch work over the years. It's hard to say whether green was the original brick color or grey, as both colors seem to be fairly evenly represented.

The shop interior has a simple patterned tile floor, which looks surprisingly pristine. I sort of expected to have some chipped or cracked tiles. Perhaps, the owner is slowly looking to spruce up his shop so it doesn't look so run down.

This set includes some new (at least to me) printed wooden floor plank pieces, which are put to good use adding to the ramshackle ambience of the set. These exposed planks (in 2 different colors) are used both on the deck flooring and the stairs.

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