Monday, 15 January 2018

Parisian Restaurant (10243) - Let's Build a Wall!

Construction continues on our restaurant as we've put up the back wall of the building. We've also started on some of the interior details and amenities, including the wine cabinet in the dining room and a clock in the kitchen.

Here we see the wine cabinet with the most popular vintages on display. There are a number of drawers in the cabinet as well, presumably to keep things like openers, glasses, etc. Pierre is also bustling over to refill madamme's glass.

And there is the clock, hanging in a very visible place on the kitchen wall. It definitely needs a central location so the chef can keep an eye on his timing between delivery of courses. You never want to keep your patrons waiting too long at a fine establishment like Chez Albert!

And here we have a shot of the entire assembly as it currently stands. I have yet to decide whether I like the shade of green that is used. On the one hand, I think it's an elegantly muted color (you don't want anything garish in a fancy restaurant) while not being too boring (as a beige or white would be). But on the other, as my mom says, it's a baby diaper poo green, which is kind of disgusting for a dining establishment.

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