Friday 19 January 2018

Parisian Restaurant (10243) - The first floor is done!

The first floor is now complete - inside, outside, backside, frontside. :)

Let's start with a look at the rear of the restaurant - we've never really had a peek back here before. It's a tidy little area that looks surprisingly well kept. There is even an awning over the back door. The expected collection of garbage bins is here, though surprisingly the large bin is located directly below one of the main windows into the dining room. Not really the sort of view I would want if I were a patron. And please don't open that window in the summer time!

There is also a nice climbing vine plant crawling up the back wall, giving it some lushness and life. And if we look close enough, we can see a rat sniffing around the green garbage can - there must be some old cheese in there or something. Better not let the health inspectors see that!

If we take a peek inside the trash bin, we can see there is the usual collection of foodstuffs in there ... I can see a couple of bones, some rotting fruit ...

And now we move around to the front of the building. The stairs leading to the second floor are completed and there is even a very fashionable street light on the corner.

The upstairs terrace of the restaurant is also complete - and again, the decor is very elegant and fits with the overall look and feel of the downstairs part of the restaurant. There are a couple of lamps to light the area with a tasteful hanging planter attached to each lamp post. This is once again a small dining area with seating only for 4 and a small wine bar located against the wall.

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