Tuesday 7 February 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - Upwards and Onwards - Chapter 2 Finished!

Either Chapter 2 was pretty short or we really picked up the pace. It didn't seem like that long ago that we finished Chapter 1.

Where Chapter 1 was all about laying down the foundation for the ship, Chapter 2 started building up to give it some height. It also fortified the structure a lot with interlocking layers of plate and technic bricks. And of course, it lengthened the overall vessel by adding the "backbone" that lies down the middle and extends out the back end.

The piece now is getting pretty heavy but is very solid. It's also almost at its final length ... I think ... At any rate, it's already longer than 2 of Gucci lying head to butt.

Mom got her first taste of "greebling". That is, the detailing of some of the exposed areas of the vessel. The SSD, of course, has a lot of turbo-cannons and other structures dotting the top of the vessel and the model does a great job of capturing these by using a lot of small pieces to re-create that landscape.

The last piece that we built in Chapter 2 is going to have the top exposed and thus required this detailed greebling. You can see this in the picture below. The piece includes the command tower for the SSD - that raised section with the distinctive dual deflector-shield domes.

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