Wednesday 8 February 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - Gucci Plays Hide & Seek

Gucci loves joining mom and I for our Lego sessions. She's got her own amply padded chair that she curls up in and listens to us rustling around with the pieces. Occasionally, she takes a peek out just to make sure we are staying on track.

We did some more work on the internals yesterday - put in some of the command areas (they would look more like command and control centers if we applied the stickers but we feel that limits the re-building capability so we leave them off).

We also added some more greebling to the sides, covering up some of the exposed tiles and giving it a more detailed and finished look.

The main decking is starting to come together as well. I *think* this section may be visible on the outside. I am guessing that all the tiles with the single central attachment points are for future greebling. We'll see if I am right about that.

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