Tuesday 23 April 2019

Year of the Pig! (40186) - Fastest Build Ever!

As you may know, according to the Chinese Zodiac, 2019 is the Year of the Pig. One of the free gifts that Lego was giving out earlier this year was a commemorative set to celebrate the Year of the Pig. 

At only 153 pieces, we were able to get this built in under an hour, including unboxing, taking photos and finding a spot to display the finished set.

Aside from looking adorable, this set is well articulated. The ears can swivel in any direction due to the ball joint used at the connection points to the head. The arms, likewise, can swing all the way around and the feet can also pivot sideways.

The huge eyes and snout really make this figure stand out and serve well to catch the eye. It's also pretty funny that the pig is displayed on a platter of salad (at least that is what my food-oriented mind has interpreted the green leaves and red studs as!).

 The back is a little more plain but features a curly little pig tail.

As far as free sets so, this is definitely one of my favorites. The freebies aren't typically as detailed as this one, nor do they have as many pieces. The free sets typically come in a plastic bag as well, and not a proper box like this one. Well done Lego!

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