Tuesday 23 April 2019

Death Star (75159) - Unboxing!

Mom decided she was ready to tackle the Death Star. This is a big step because she typically shies away from Star Wars sets due to the overwhelming "grayness" of the sets. I think she found this one more acceptable because of all the scenes that are built into the structure.

At over 4,000 pieces, this build will likely take us a while to work our way through. Certainly not the blitzkrieg of our previous builds (BB8 and Year of the Pig).

This is another UCS set, and in my opinion, one of the better looking ones. We've passed over a number of other UCS sets like Cloud City and Snowspeeder, which we really just didn't feel were anything too special.

 The first thing that came out of the box was the instruction manual. You know you are working with a big set when the manual weighs about 10 pounds and comes with a coil spine to support the weight. I'm a fan of the coil spine though as it makes it much easier to flip through the book without crunching pages and putting creases into the binding.

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