Thursday, 11 January 2018

Slave I (75060) - Final Thoughts

We finished up Slave I sometime at the end of October, if memory serves. Overall, it was a pretty fun build. There were definitely a lot of unique colors and pieces used (which pleased mom to no end). There were a few areas that I wish were secured more rigidly to the vessel - one that comes to mind are the bumpers along the front edges of the ship. These are held on with only a few studs and tended to come off when bumped or nudged trying to pick up the ship or hold it when placing other pieces. Luckily, they were as easy to re-attach as they were to dislodge.

The ship has a lot of detail - likely due to the fact that it really is a set where all angles are visible in display/flight position. As you can see, the belly of the craft has a significant amount of detailing, representative of the complexity of the thrusters on Slave I.

The vessel - not surprisingly - has an array of weapons that Boba Fett can engage with the flip of a switch or the toggle of a lever. Missile and rocket pods are typically hidden flush with the body of Slave I but pop out to engage targets as required. There is an additional set of laser cannons at the bottom end of the vessel that is not visible in this picture.

The set comes with 3 mini-figures. Boba Fett (who is in the cockpit and thus not visible) as well as a stormtrooper and a Cloud City trooper. As with all UCS sets, it also has a descriptive placard that provides the details and specifications of the ship.

 Overall, this is a very nice rendition of a classic vessel from Star Wars. There were some areas that were challenging to build - always a nice way to exercise both finger and mind dexterity. Mom was definitely a fan of the different colors and textures of the ship as well as the very unique shape of it. She calls it the "turkey drumstick".

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