Tuesday 26 September 2017

Slave 1 (75060) - It's A Lobster Crab!

We were very productive last night, finishing both chapters 2 and 3. The ship is starting to take shape now and is recognizable as the back end of the vessel.

To me, it looks like a hybrid between a lobster tail and a horseshoe crab. The overall shape is like the crab but the way the armor plates are tiered is reminiscent of the shell on a lobster tail.

The set, so far, has been very sturdily designed. Already, the piece we have put together is quite heavy. And with the solidness of the build, you could give someone a good whallop on the head with it.

Of course, mom was ooohing and aaahing with all the dark red she was getting to build. Admittedly, this is definitely one of the more colorful star wars sets, as most of them seem to be comprised primarily of dark bluish gray, light bluish gray or black.

This build also seems to be easier so far. We are certainly moving through it at a pretty rapid clip. It's only taken us 2 hours to get to this stage. As mom says, we better slow things down a little as this is a hobby that is not cheap!!

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