Wednesday 27 September 2017

Slave 1 (75060) - I Have Nothing Witty To Say

Despite wracking my brain, I could not come up with a witty and catchy title for this post.

In more interesting news, we finished Chapter 4 last night and got part way through Chapter 5. Chapter 4 was dedicated to building the rear base of the ship. The finished product looks a lot like the front end of a very fancy car.

Chapter 5 finishes off some detailing on the base pieces and then joins them up. We finished for the night after attaching the two halves.

So far the build remains very solid. One of the reviews on the Lego site said that pieces kept falling off during the assembly process, but thus far we have not experienced this at all. It's possible that as we move outwards and start building the outer details and the weaponry, we may get into this situation.

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