Monday 23 January 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - More parts gathering

My SSD is a few steps closer to being build-ready. Did a few more local pick-ups this weekend and the only things left are in 5 mail shipments that I am awaiting.

I was really hoping to start this build before the Grand Carousel but mom just couldn't wait to do that one. I think I have created a monster by suggesting that we build these sets together. She needs her addiction fed on a daily basis now hahahaha.

Take Saturday, for instance. We were out for most of the day, doing the Lego pick-ups and then tackling a few chores while we were out. I confirmed the count on my pick-ups as soon as we got home and then put the packages on our Lego table, planning on knolling them as our Sunday night Lego activity.

Well, mom just couldn't wait until Sunday night. She had those pieces knolled and sorted early Sunday morning and was prodding me to start building the carousel on Sunday night instead. I am guessing that had we not been busy with other plans on Saturday evening, she would have had them knolled then!!

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