Tuesday 24 January 2017

Grand Carousel (10196) - The Start of the Base

We got a little more done last night - finished off the motor/operator station platform and started on the base of the carousel itself. We spent a lot of time futzing with the power functions battery box - I put in the requisite 3 AA batteries but the block refused to work. So then I had to find my test meter to confirm that the batteries were fully charged (which they were). When the on button is pushed, a green LED on the side of the power function pack is supposed to turn on to indicate that it is functioning. That did not happen in our case. According to the Lego site, a possible fix is to use a different brand of batteries that has a larger + terminal. If you ask me, they should re-design their battery box so it's not brand specific to batteries!!

I'll have to see if I have any other brands of batteries around the house - I used Energizers last night. There will be some dis-assembly required to test out any new batteries as the battery box is built into the center of the control platform.

We made a little bit of progress on the base of the carousel as well. We were happy to see that everything looked symmetrical - usually a good sign that no mistakes have been made!

And a shot showing everything on the board.

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