Tuesday 7 May 2019

Death Star (75159) - First Floor Structure Complete

This is definitely not mom's favorite build. She's never been a fan of builds that are primarily one color and certainly not when that color is gray or shades of gray.

The floor was constructed in quarters, with each quarter panel being affixed to the base as it was completed. It wasn't until we went to attach the last quarter that we realized we had offset the other 2 by 1 stud!!! So we had to rip them up and fix everything - mom was not a happy camper (though hopefully she will be a more careful camper in the future hee hee).

Attaching pieces to the base is not a simply prospect. Because the base is so much smaller than the upper floors (at least until we get past the mid point of the death star), it tends to tip quite easily. When attaching pieces, you need to push down on the opposite side of the structure to ensure you don't flip the entire piece over.

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