Monday 8 April 2019

Old Fishing Store (21310) - Observation Tower Goes Up!

We finished off the last stage of the bait shop this weekend, putting up the observation tower where the store owner has a complete 360 view of what is around him.

There is a large telescope mounted to the front deck to enable really long range surveillance.

The weather vane complete with chicken on the top is a nice touch. The deck railings extend around the entirety of the tower. Unfortunately, there is no door, so access is via crawling through one of the 2 windows. Internal to the tower is a ladder that stretches all the way down to the lower level.

Somewhat surprisingly, the roof of the tower looks to be in much better shape than that of the bait shop itself. Perhaps because the original construction material is much sturdier. There has definitely been some patching done, as evidenced by the myriad of colors, but it lacks the randomly slapped on boards of the bait shop roof.

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