Monday, 1 October 2018

Statue of Liberty (21042) - Final Thoughts

This set was a pretty big departure from the sets we normally tackle. We've never been much interested in doing any sort of architectural sets. However, it was a good experience to try it out and see what we've been missing (or not missing haha).

Overall, we were fairly impressed with how well the Statue of Liberty was captured - not easy to do considering how small scale the model is compared to the actual statue. One area that we would have liked more detail on was the face. In the model, it is simply a flat tile piece and I think so much more could have been done with that as the face is pretty central to any humanoid model.

The use of the mini-figure hairpiece for the torch was ingenious and a great way to avoid having to make a new piece while still capturing the flickering flame effect.

All-in-all, it was not a bad build. The base was pretty straight forward while the body of the statue proved to be more of a challenge and required some diligence to detail.

That being said, I don't think we will do another architecture series set. From what I've seen, the facades tend to be quite smooth and not really accentuating too much intricate detail (unlike something like Ninjago City for instance). However, if you are a fan of various famous landmarks and buildings, the architecture series could be your cup of tea.

We finish off this post with views of the set from all 4 angles.

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