Thursday, 27 September 2018

Statue of Liberty (21042) - Starting on the Statue

Mom has decided that she is taking back her earlier statement about how much easier this set is than the DB5 Aston Martin.

While it definitely started off as a mind-relaxing excursion with the base, it's definitely morphed into a build that requires a lot of attention to detail when building the statue itself.

The color is the same for every piece and while the overall shape is clearly that of the Statue of Liberty, it is difficult to know just by looking at an individual piece where it should go. Those things combined mean a lot of diligence is required to ensure that all the pieces go in the right place.

The pieces get put together into "sub-blocks" which then get attached to the long studded pillar that you previously saw. This makes it a little easier to build vs attaching the pieces individually to the structure.

You can see below that it is starting to take shape quite nicely. Pictured is the back of the statue.

Here is a bit of an angled shot that shows the back (to the left) and the right side of the statue.

And here is the front. Again, you can see the studded structure that the curved statue pieces attach to.

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