Thursday, 8 March 2018

Ninjago City (70620) - Introducing Sweep!

Any decent city needs some way of keeping its streets clean. And in Ninjago City, that is the job of Sweep - the robotic street cleaner!

Here he is perched on the side of the canal and ready for duty. In his right hand, he carries and extended gripper for picking up large pieces of trash - candy wrappers, soda cans, etc. In his left hand is a broom that he uses for sweeping up smaller bit of detritus that can't be picked up. A large straw hat keeps the sun and rain off his delicate electronics. Not shown in the picture is the large back basket he wears, in which he can deposit whatever trash he picks up to take to the disposal center.

When he is not out and about keeping the streets clean, he can be found recharging and carrying out self repairs in his very own maintenance shack. It's a cozy little room that is unobtrusive and fits well into the surrounding landscape.

We got to apply more of the stickers last night, including some very elaborate ones. This is the outside of the maintenance shack - as you can see, the sticker is very detailed and vibrant. It really adds a lot of color and character to the building.

The walls have started going up as well and there is a distinct Japanese feel to the construction. Aside from the very obvious Japanese vibe of the sticker, the white "glass" in the brown frames is distinctly Japanese as is the wooden slat effect of the bottom wall.

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