Thursday 7 September 2017

Grand Carousel (10196) - The Finishing Touches

We finally did it! After more than 8 months of off-and-on building, we have finally put this one together.

Last night, we put the canvas top on the carousel and mounted the final decorative flag on the top. Both mum and I were struck by the flimsy design of the canvas top and were rather un-impressed by Lego's design. It felt lazy and unpolished. The canvas sheets are held on by a series of flexible "struts" but the method of attachment is poor. The top of the sheets are very loose and tend to slip off their moorings, which are a single post on each of the struts.

As you can see from the photo below, the canvas sheet is slipping off, which is not surprising given that the blue post is holding it on by sheer force of friction and nothing else. The design should have included something to snap onto the bottom of the post and prevent slippage.

Another disappointing aspect of Lego's sloppy design with the canvas top is the lack of an anchor point for the struts at the bottom end of the canvas. You can see here that the struts simply sit on top of the canvas sheets with no method of attachment. 

Regardless, if you don't look too closely at details like this, the set is a pretty one. Very colorful and certainly a good addition to our ferris wheel.

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