Monday 9 January 2017

Super Star Destroyer (10221) - The End Is In Sight!

... at least as far as ordering the parts goes ...

With my 3rd round of buying, I have cut my "missing pieces" list down to 301. That's less than 10% to go. Unfortunately, none of my local buyers have any of these pieces so I may have to shell out yet more in shipping costs. That being said, people are always adding to their stock so I am sure that if I am patient enough, some of these pieces will become available through area sellers.

The total cost thus far has come out to roughly $480. I guess that's not too surprising considering the original Lego kit was selling for $500. If I was able to get everything locally, I would have saved at least $40 in shipping but I guess I can't complain. I have been able to get a good chunk of the pieces from local sellers. I had really hoped that I could piece it out for less than $500 but that isn't going to happen.

My first local purchase is ready for pickup, so I am planning on getting that tonight. I have 4 other parcels that I had to order from outside the city in the mail so I am expecting those within the week. Then I'll have to get my counting fingers out and double check the orders!

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